mooladhara is the generating station for prana. The awakening of prana starts from mooladhara and ascends the spinal cord via the pingala nadi. Pingala is merely the channel; the energy comes from mooladhara
Mooladhara is the generator and ajna is the distributor.
Mooladhara is also the location of brahma granthi, the knot of Brahma
As long as this knot remains intact, the energy located in this area is blocked. Prana shakti awakens the moment this knot is undone.
Mooladhara is associated with annamaya kosha and the earth element
Mooladhara chakra may be seen in a state of meditation as a deep red lotus flower with four petals.
The red petals are seen in meditation because of electrical discharges, which emit light particles in this region.
Each chakra has a different number of petals, which indicate the level of pranic intensity in that particular region.
The bija mantra, or master key, to mooladhara is Lam.
2) Swadhishtana Chakra = swa + adhishtana (one's own abode)
- lies very near to Mooladhara
- responsible for awakening of prana shakti
- This centre is the storehouse of all the latent samskaras and impressions
- it forms a karmic block, making it difficult for the awakened prana to pass through this area.
- The desire for pleasure, especially in the form of food and sex, increases when this centre is activated.
These desires can become an obstacle to the awakening of prana at this level. In order to pass through this centre one needs to develop willpower
- is associated with pranamaya kosha and the water element.
- It is represented by a lotus flower with six vermilion petals.
- The bija mantra for this centre is Vam.
3) Manipura Chakra
- Manipura means city of jewels
- It is located behind navel in the spine.
- radiates and distributes pranic energy throughout the body, regulating and fuelling life's processes.
- It is predominantly influenced by rajas - activity, dynamism, strength and will.
- This centre is associated with pranamaya kosha and its element is fire.
- It is represented by a bright yellow lotus with ten petals
- Its bija mantra is Ram.
4) Anahata Chakra
Anahata = unstruck or unbeaten
- It is the seat of anhada nada, the cosmic sound, which is experience only in highest state of meditation.
- The person with a developed anahata is generally very sensitive to the feelings of others
- This centre relates to the sense of touch and its awakening bestows the power to heal others either by touch or by radiating energy
- The heart centre is the seat of divine love. It is here that emotion is channelled into devotion.
- Vishnu granthi, the second psychic knot, representing the bondage of emotional attachment, is located here.
- When this knot is opened, one becomes free of all selfish, egoistic and emotional attachment, and attains mental and emotional control, equilibrium and peace.
- Anahata is associated with manomaya kosha, the mind and emotions
- At this level one becomes free of fate and takes control of one's destiny.
- the symbol of kalpataru, the wish-fulfilling tree, is also found at this centre. When this tree starts to fructify, whatever one thinks or wishes for comes true.
- Anahata is located behind the heart in the spine.
- Its element is air and it is represented by a blue lotus with twelve petals.
- The bija mantra is Yam.
5) Vishudhi Chakra
- Vishuddhi is the purification centre and is known as the fountain of youth
- with the awakening of this centre all diseased, states can be reversed
- At this level all the poisonous and negative experiences of life can be absorbed and transformed into a state of bliss.
- Vishuddhi is associated with vijnanamaya kosha and initiates higher mental development.
- It is the centre for receiving sound vibrations and acts like a transistor radio, allowing one to tune into the thoughts of others, whether close by or far away.
- When vishuddhi is purified, the sense of hearing becomes very sharp, not only through the ears, but through the mind.
- Vishuddhi is located behind the throat pit in the spine and is associated with the thyroid gland.
- The element is ether or akasha.
- By meditating on vishuddhi, the mind becomes free of thought, pure and empty, like space
- Vishuddhi is seen as a violet lotus with sixteen petals.
- Its bija mantra is Ham.
6) Ajna Chakra
- Ajna = command
- is the monitoring center also known as the guru chakra
- It is the point of confluence where the three main nadis, energy channels: ida, pingala and sushumna, merge into one stream of consciousness and flow up to sahasrara
- Ajna is the centre of mind and represents a higher level of awareness
- When this centre is developed one acquires psychic powers. Direct mind-to-mind communication takes place at this level.
- At ajna lies the rudra granthi, the knot of Shiva.
- At ajna lies the rudra granthi, the knot of Shiva.
- The trigger point for ajna is located at the eyebrow centre.
- The development of ajna is very important for success in pranic science
- Ajna is associated with vijnanamaya kosha
- It is located at the top of the spinal cord in the mid-brain and corresponds to the pineal gland.
- The tattwa or element is mind.This is the point where the mind changes from gross to subde, from outward to inward.
- Ajna is represented by a silver lotus with two petals.
- The bija mantra is Om.
- The first manifestation of creation was nada or sound.and bindu is also the point where the original nada emanates
- Bindu is associated with anandamaya kosha
- When bindu is awakened, the transcendental sound of Om is heard.
7) Sahasrara
- Sahasrara is the seat of supreme consciousness
- located at the crown of the head.
- The experience of cosmic prana is the aim of the science of prana.
- When the kundalini shakti reaches sahasrara, self-realization or samadhi dawns.
- Sahasrara is associated with anandamaya kosha.
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