These are the five spheres in which a human being lives at any given moment and they range from gross to subtle.
The pancha kosha are: i) annamaya kosha, ii) pranamaya kosha, iii) manomaya kosha, iv) vijnanamaya kosha and v) anandamaya kosha
1) Annamaya Kosha : anna means food, maya - comprised of
It is dependent o food, water, air and Prana
2) Pranamaya Kosha: The energy field of any individual
It is has same shape and dimension as its flesh and blood vehicle, although it is capable of expansion and contraction.
Clairvoyants(people with super natural powers) see the pranic body as a coloured, luminous cloud or aura around the body, radiating from within the physical body, like the sun flaring from behind the eclipsing moon.
3) Manomaya Kosha: the mental dimension
The level of experience is the conscious mind, which holds Annama, Pranamaya koshas as an itegrated whole.
4) Vijnanamaya Kosha: The psychic level of experience , which relates to the subconscious and unconscious mind. This sphere pervades manomaya kosha but is subtler than it.
This is the link between individual mind and universal mind.
Inner knowledge comes to the conscious mind from this level.
5) Anandamaya Kosha : the level of bliss and beatitude(supreme blessedness)
This is the causal or transcendental body, the abode of most subtle prana.
All the five koshas are pervaded by prana, which nourishes and sustains them and maintains their approapriate relationship.
One must use the faculty of prana shakti in order to move from any one state to another. (one kosha to another.. Annnamaya to Pranamaya... etc.,)
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