Thursday, 28 May 2020


1.  ida also known as ganga, pingal - yamuna, sushumna - Saraswathi

Saraswathi is underground flow.

Prayag =~  Ajna chakra (all 3 nadis converge)

Location of Nadis:


- Mooladhara chakra is the main plexus of the pranic body from which nadis ecoiling around the spinal    passage from left to right, while sushumna flows straight up through the middlemanate.
  Ida, pingala and sushumna originate here and then ida and pingala flow alternately . 

- Ida emerges from the left of mooladhara, pingala from the right, and sushumna flows
straight up through the centre

- As ida and pingala cross over at each chakra, their energy currents branch off via the network of nadis to all the respective organs and parts of the body

- In this way the matrix of nadis carries these two opposite forces to every cell, organ and part of the body.

- Ida governs the left side of the body and pingala the right.

- The inner structure of sushumna comprises three subtler nadis, which become active when sushumna is awakened

- Inside sushumna is vajra nadi, within which lies chitra or chitrini nadi, and at the centre is brahma nadi, the subtlest flow

Polarity principle of Ida-Pingala

ida and pingala are like bipolar seperated in beween by sushumna.

ida - active in night like moon
pingala - active in day time like Sun.

Purifying the Pranic body

- All yoga practices purify pranas, pranayama is the best among all.

- During pranayama, especially nadi shodhana, as one takes slow, deep breaths, the prana is forced to flow through the blocked areas, indeed, through the entire system of nadis. By this process, the energy circuits are restored and the weak areas gradually regain strength

- through pranayama, covering residue of tamas and rajas is removed and sattwic nature of chitta shines.

- Tamas and rajas exist in the form of blockages in the nadis.

- These blockages may be caused by disease, tension, accumulation of impurities, negative thoughts or samskaras, mental patterns lodged in the subcon-scious and unconscious.

- The thoughts and vrittis, mental formations and modifica-tions, exist in the mind and consciousness as energy waves.

- Depending on the nature of a thought or vritti, the respective nadis as well as the chakras, elements and doshas are affected, creating a spiralling effect throughout the energy network

- During pranayama, especially nadi shodhana, as one takes slow, deep breaths, the prana is forced to flow through the blocked areas, indeed, through the entire system of nadis. By this process, the energy circuits are restored and the weak areas gradually regain strength

- Thus the Shiva Samhita states (3:49), "Through the regulation of breath the wise practitioner surely destroys all of his karmas, whether acquired in this life or in the past."

- The adept yogi can withdraw prana from any area of the body, so that it becomes impervious to heat, cold or any other sensations. He can also send prana to any area and make it oversensitive. He can send prana to the eyes and see distant objects, to the nose and experience divine aromas, or to the tongue and experience super-sensuous taste.


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